The idea is to allow users with loyalty coins to redeem their loyalty coins and purchase at discounted rate.

Postman collection of the APIs

Nector Shiprocket Checkout APIs.postman_collection.json

Assuming “shopify” for below examples

<aside> ⚠️ Don’t call this API from frontend


Nector Wallets

We have recently added support for multiple wallets on Nector.

  1. Coins Wallet: This is the same default wallet that is being used for storage and redemption of all the loyalty points.
  2. Credits Wallet: This is the new type of wallet that we have added and this wallet is meant for gift cards, refunds, etc. The value of 1 credit in this wallet will always be equal to Rs. 1 or $1. Customers will be able to use their credits fully without any restriction.

This is an optional wallet that a brand may or may not be using.

So in the below APIs we have added an option for choosing from which wallet the redemption should happen. Redemption can happen only from the coins wallet, only from the credit wallet or from both the wallets. If redemption is going to happen from both the wallets, first all the credits will be used and then the loyalty coins discount would be applied on the remaining cart amount.



customer_id: "this needs to be shopify prefixed customer id (Ex. shopify-458737453897), one of customer_id or mobile is required",
mobile: "this is 10 digit mobile number, one of customer_id or mobile is required",
action: "list, perform, revert, perform_unsafe, revert_unsafe",
amount: "this is final cart amount based on which the discount will be calculated"
wallet_type: "can be one of: coins, credits or coins_and_credits (default: coins)"


	meta: {
		... other props
	data: {
		... other props